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How to Care for Different Skin Types
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How to Care for Different Skin Types

To develop a healthy skin care routine, you first need to know your skin type. There are four main types of skin: normal, dry, oily, and a combination of oily and dry.  Determining which of these types you have will help you select the best products to use. But how do you know what kind of skin you have? The best way to determine your skin type is simply to read about the different types and see which one best matches you. If you’re still unsure, you may want to schedule an appointment with a dermatologist who can advise you on your type, as well as appropriate treatments for skin issues. Normal Skin People with normal skin usually have few imperfections, a balanced complexion without dry spots or greasy areas, rarely experience breakouts, and are not particularly sensitive to foreign substances. We recommend: Our Normal to Oily Skin Basic Skin Care Set, which includes key products that serve as the building blocks for well-hydrated skin. Not only will these products produce skin that looks smoother and more luminous than ever, they will also prevent early signs of aging. Dry Skin If your skin often feels rough or dry during the day, even when you’re wearing moisturizer, then you may have dry skin. People with dry skin often flush easily, occasionally experience red patches, and sometimes see fine lines and wrinkles prematurely. We recommend: Our Dry Skin Basic Skin Care Set, which includes intensive hydrating creams for both day and night, as well as a lip balm and cleanser for dry skin. Oily Skin Oily skin occurs when there is too much lipid (or oil) in the skin. While oily skin frequently occurs among teenagers, it can last until adulthood, and it occurs more often in men than in women. People with oily skin are prone to blackheads and other blemishes. A good acne treatment, as well as using products that don’t add even more oil to the skin, can help you retain a balanced complexion and a luminous glow. We recommend: Our Normal to Oily Skin Basic Skin Care Set, which is a balanced skin care kit that will hydrate without adding too much oil, as well as prevent signs of aging. If you struggle with acne, we recommend our Acne Prone Skin Basic Skin Care Set, which targets superficial blemishes and clogged pores, while hydrating the skin and treating inflammation. Combination Skin If different parts of your skin seem oily while other parts seem dry, you may have combination skin. Typically, people with combination skin experience oily, acne-prone skin on the forehead, nose, and chin, while the cheeks and eyelids remain dry. This is a fairly common skin type, and you may want to experiment with which products work best on which parts of your skin. We recommend: Our Normal to Oily Skin Basic Skin Care Set, which is a balanced skin care kit that will hydrate without adding too much oil, as well as prevent signs of aging. If you are prone to occasional breakouts, we also recommend adding our Acne Treatment Duo to your regimen, which treats acne without over drying your skin.
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Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, function 'the_block_template_skip_link' not found or invalid function name in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Eraclea-proff 7.3\blog\wp-includes\class-wp-hook.php on line 307