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5 Ways to Avoid Gaining Weight over the Holidays
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5 Ways to Avoid Gaining Weight over the Holidays
Beauty Winter

5 Ways to Avoid Gaining Weight over the Holidays

We'€™ve all been there. You arrive at the holiday party famished from a long day at work, only to have a smiling hostess direct you straight to the buffet table, where you pluck a large plate from the stack and pile it high with delicious treats ranging from glazed ham and stuffing to chocolate cake and pumpkin pie. Afterwards, you sit at the table with friends, grazing upon the chocolates in your goodie bag and sipping on your third glass of wine, so full you'€™re practically in a coma, and so worried about how many calories you'€™ve added this night you can barely concentrate on what your friends are talking about. It'€™s so hard to say no to all of the scrumptious treats offered during the holidays, but there are ways to enjoy the food this time of the year without overindulging and putting on those extra pounds! Here are a few tips that will help you through this holiday season:

1.Don'€™t arrive hungry.

It'€™s much harder to say '€œNo!'€ to a laden buffet table when you'€™re famished from a hard day'€™s work than when you'€™ve had a healthy granola bar in the car ride to the party. You can avoid overeating simply by curbing that pang in your stomach with a healthy afternoon snack.

2.Pace yourself.

At many holiday parties, you may find yourself standing around for hours with scrumptious-looking food everywhere you turn. Rather than refusing to eat any of it or gobbling it all down, take the middle road. Pace yourself by sampling a bit of this and a bit of that. Take one small piece of chicken so you leave room for half of a roll. Don'€™t eat until you'€™re stuffed, but graze slowly over the course of the evening.

3.Be choosy.

More likely than not, there will be a lot of sweets to choose from at your scheduled holiday affair. Rather than trying them all, pick your favorite among them and enjoy it to its fullest. The key is to really enjoy what you'€™re eating and drinking, rather than overindulging.

4.Limit your alcohol.

Alcohol, especially beer and red wine, is a quick way to pack on excess carbs. Plus, alcohol dehydrates your skin, causing dark circles under the eyes and sallow-looking skin in the morning. You can still indulge in a glass of wine, a cocktail, or a tall, stout beer, just remember to limit yourself so that you don'€™t pack on those extra carbs.

5.Go for a walk.

Still feeling stuffed after a holiday meal? Take a walk around the block! Perhaps you can gather the family together for a post-Christmas dinner stroll. Or maybe you duck out of the New Year'€™s party with that significant other for a brisk walk in the cool wind. Getting yourself moving is a great way to burn some extra calories while stepping away from the food.

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