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Five Foods That Will Make Your Skin Glow - eraclea®
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anti-aging Beauty Healthy Foods Skincare

Five Foods That Will Make Your Skin Glow

When it comes to good skin care, what you eat is just as important as what you put on your skin. Eating the right foods keeps your skin looking healthy and young. The question is, what foods are good for the skin? We'€™ve put together this list of the best foods for skin glow. You'€™re sure to enjoy these scrumptious treats, and find your skin more supple and lustrous than ever!

1. Green tea

Not only is drinking green tea immensely relaxing, it'€™s also good for your skin. Green tea contains a number of antioxidants that counteract the effects of pollutants in the cells. These pollutants can damage your cells, leaving your skin looking withered and dry. Stock up on some delicious green tea, though, and soon your skin will have a luscious glow!

2. Tomatoes

Did you know that eating tomatoes or tomato-based foods, like pasta sauce or tomato juice, may clear up acne? That'€™s right! According to some scientists, the phytochemical lycopene, which is what makes tomatoes red, may reduce acne-promoting hormones in your cells. Because little is known about how this happens, there'€™s no absolute recommendation for how much lycopene to eat when trying to combat acne. Nevertheless, eating a meal cooked with tomatoes several times a week is a good bet. Try chopping up tomatoes in a tossed salad or splurging on some homemade spaghetti! You'€™ll be happy when you look in the mirror to find your skin aglow.

3. Seafood

Want to prevent wrinkling? Try eating seafood! It turns out, people with diets high in seafood have less skin wrinkling. That'€™s because there are large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids in fish, and omega-3 fatty acids slow down the wrinkling process. Not sure where to start? How about trying some salmon, which has one of the richest concentrations of omega-3 fatty acids of all fish? After this meal, your skin will look and feel younger than ever.

4. Kiwi

Chop up a tangy green kiwi for a snack or as a salad at dinner and not only will you get a tasty treat, you'€™ll also promote supple skin. That'€™s because the vitamin C in kiwi helps maintain the collagen in our skin cells,and the collagen is what keeps our skin firm.

5. Sunflower seeds

Not only are sunflower seeds chock full of vitamin E, which protects the skin cells from damage, they also contain copper, which promotes a healthy skin glow, and fatty acids, which create supple and lustrous skin. Since sunflower seeds are an easy snack for on-the-go, they are some of the best foods for skin glow.
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